First Semester Exam Schedule 2024-25
Semester Exam/Experiences Schedule
Semester Exam/Experiences Schedule Important Information:
- Students can only take make-up exams if they have a medically-documented illness and receive approval from the Assistant Superintendent/Principal. All make-up exams must be completed in-person, during designated make-up times, no later than Friday, December 20, 2024, when semester grades are submitted, or the student will receive a zero for the exam.
- Students will not be permitted to miss an exam due to travel plans, family events, or other non-medical reasons. If a student misses an exam due to a non-medical reason, they will not be able to make it up and will receive a zero for that exam.
- Students will not be permitted to take semester exams early.
- Exams/experiences are held in teacher classrooms unless the teacher provides different instructions. They are scheduled to be one hour and thirty minutes in length and take place during the time listed on the schedule below.
- Students must be in class or a designated quiet study space. Spaces open for quiet study during exam blocks (ASC, STC, Central Library, East Library).
- SASH, FASH, Reading, Geometry with Support and AVID will not meet during the week of exams/experiences. Students may use the time to study on site or at home, but may NOT be in the hallway during that block.
- Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks:
- Breakfast will be in South Cafe
- Lunch will be in assigned cafeterias Monday-Wednesday & South Cafe will be open on Thursday for lunch
- Snacks will be available during the morning passing period in H hall on each floor during the morning passing period (10:30-10:45am)
For more information on semester exam information and requirements, visit the Semester Exam web page.
Assistant Superintendent/Principal
Taya Kinzie
kinziet@eths202.orgAdministrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent/Principal
Ebony Redmond