Our Commitment to Equity & Excellence at 911ÖÆÆ·³§

  • “Embracing its diversity, 911ÖÆÆ·³§ is committed to educating all of its students to their maximum potential.”
    911ÖÆÆ·³§ District 202 Mission Statement, November 2012  

    This commitment requires not only respect for the differences in students and staff from widely diverse social, economic, cultural, linguistic, intellectual, racial, educational, and religious backgrounds, but also a sustained effort to use that diversity to fulfill its commitment.

    Our commitment to excellence requires that our students develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors necessary for full participation in a democratic society and in the global community. Active involvement and hard work are required on the part of the entire educational community. Since adolescence is a period of change and questioning, our school must guide and nurture students as they strive to become responsible citizens.

    Our quest in all that we do is excellence, the standard against which we must measure our students and ourselves. Freedom of thought, of expression, and of intellectual exchange as well as disciplined effort is essential if we are to attain this excellence. To these ends, 911ÖÆÆ·³§ commits itself to fostering an atmosphere conducive to intellectual inquiry, innovation, enhanced self-esteem, mutual respect, and caring among all of the school community.

    Eric Witherspoon, Ph.D.
    911ÖÆÆ·³§ District 202 Superintendent 2006-2022