Wildkit Futures Day
911ÖÆÆ·³§ is committed to empowering all students with the tools to make informed decisions about their post-high school options, and helping them feel confident about what they will do after graduating. Wildkit Futures Day is a school-wide opportunity for students at all grade levels to contribute to their Individualized Career & Academic Plans (ICAPs) and explore options for college and/or workforce readiness and independence after high school.The table below outlines activities for students on Wildkit Futures Day. While activities are organized using a grade-level component, students should attend the activity that aligns with their "class of" designation, not their current grade level.
Accommodations Information
*Students with an approved IEP or 504 Accommodations Plan will receive the testing accommodations stated on their plan in a small group environment. All room assignments will be emailed to students in advance of the exam.
English Language Learners in the Multilingual Program will receive room assignments from the Bilingual Coordinator or their ESL teacher.