Creating a College Board Account
Creating a College Board Account
With a College Board account, students can access their PSAT, SAT and AP scores online, and send them directly to colleges. Students can also register for the SAT and print their SAT Admission Ticket. Students can connect their College Board account to Khan Academy for FREE individualized SAT exam prep. Be sure to provide complete and accurate information. Use a password that can be easily remembered, as this account will be used to access students’ SAT scores in the spring as well.
Test Prep Resources
A wide selection of test preparation materials is available to students in The Hub (W220) through 911ÖÆÆ·³§ College & Career Services, as well as at the public library and retail bookstores. Test preparation resources are provided for reference only and are not endorsements of the companies, organizations, or their products/services. Careful, informed research is recommended before committing to any program.
AP Exam Resources
The College Board provides a search tool to find colleges and universities that offer credit or placement for AP scores.