Determine your Reasons for pursuing college athletics
Realistically evaluate what level you can play, or what is needed to reach the desired athletic level
Talk to your coaches and parents/guardians
Train, practice, and compete. Summers are especially productive in making local, regional and national connections, as well as building skills
- Review the 5 Levels of College Athletics
- Talk with your counselor and the College Bound Student-Athlete Advisor about your goals
Update your athletic resume
- Review Recruiting Highlights
- Review Tips for Communicating with Coaches
- Know how to maintain amateur status (NCAA Guide)
- Attend College Info Session to develop a list of qualities desired in a university and their athletic program
Check your to see if you're on track for college sports!
- Continue to make academics a priority.
- The NCAA locks in 10 core course grades before the start of senior year so you can't replace them with better grades during your senior year.
- Know the grades and test scores you must get to gain academic eligibility. For more information, visit Eligibility Overview
- Register with the in the fall
- SAT/ACT has been waived for eligibility, but can still be relevant for admissions and financial aid.
Check your for your eligibility status on strategies to gain eligibility! Log in using Google SSO.