Transfer Student Requirement for Athletics Registration
Students who transfer in to 911ÖÆÆ·³§ from another high school will need an Icompleted and on file in the 911ÖÆÆ·³§ Athletic Office, in order to participate in sports at 911ÖÆÆ·³§.
Please complete questions 1, 3, 6, 7 & 8 in Section 1 and all of Section 2, along with your signature and the signature of your parent/guardian. Please be sure to read questions 20 & 21 carefully. Submit the form to the Athletics Office (G183).
Please call the Athletic Office at 847-424-7370 if you have questions about your registration for sports related to your Transfer Student status.
Athletics Office(847) 424-7370Athletic DirectorChris Livatino(847) 424-7380Athletic Operations CoordinatorClarinda Harbison(847) 424-7299Athletic Administrative AssociateCarolyn O'Connell(847) 424-7370Assistant Athletic Director/Student Development & Well-BeingBrittanny Johnson847-424-7719Office Location: N239Office Location G183
Athletics Office Hours
Regular Summer Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:30pm 8:00am-4:30pm Friday 8:00am-4:00pm Closed