College Representative Visits

  • Did you know that approximately 300 colleges visit 911ÖÆÆ·³§ each year? Seniors and juniors are encouraged to participate in these college visits in The Hub (W220). Check SchooLinks for a complete list of upcoming college visits.

    Remember, students should inform their teacher if they will be missing class, and they must complete the attendance form at the visit to avoid penalties for unexcused absences.

College Representative Visit Guidelines

  • Admission representatives are scheduled for one 33 minute informational session. The purpose of these college visits is for the colleges to inform you about their curriculum, student opportunities, amenities, and to answer your specific questions.  You are advised to plan ahead and frequently check for an up-to-date schedule of visits in SchooLinks or in the College & Career Services Google Classroom.

    College representative visits are scheduled Mondays between the hours of 8:30-2:07pm excluding lunch blocks.