Student Assistance Program
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) provides a comprehensive framework for the delivery of prevention, intervention and support strategies and programs.
Includes programs and strategies that offer age-appropriate alcohol, tobacco, and other drug education, interpersonal and behavioral skills training, social norming strategies, increasing understanding about risk, and providing positive youth activities and service opportunities. Educational opportunities for staff members are also available upon request. Prevention also includes collaborative efforts involving curriculum needs within the school.
Identification and Referral
Identification may come through referral by students and parents, policy violations, and teachers/school personnel. Nurses, Deans, and Safety may also use the SAP Social Worker to assist with identifying students who may be under the influence. Relevant information is gathered in a fact-finding process to determine whether this is an appropriate Student Assistance referral. This process includes an interview with the student and family in order to understand the student's perception of the problem. Parents/guardians who have concerns about their child's experimentation or have questions, should reach out to the SAP Social Worker.
Problem Solving and Recommendations
A plan is developed to help the student and family reduce the barriers to learning and improve the student’s chances for success. Students may receive group or individual services ranging from education to inpatient treatment. Also, linking the student and family with needed community resources to assist with problems beyond the scope of school services may also be part of the plan.
Support and Follow-Up
If the student receives school and/or community services, the SAP coordinates the exchange of important information to increase the probability of success. The Student Assistance Program may provide monitoring of the student’s progress along with referrals and additional strategies over a period of time to facilitate continued progress.
Student Assistance Program Social WorkerJacklyn Mancilla
Office Hours
Regular Summer Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:30pm Closed
Friday 8:00am-4:00pmClosed