Meal Distribution
We know the importance of providing healthy meals and the impact nutrition has on a student’s educational experience and their overall wellbeing. The Nutrition Services Department is excited to offer meals free of charge, to all children ages 18 and under, no questions asked. This is made possible through a waiver sponsored by the USDA (effective through June 30, 2022).
Weekly Monday Distribution (for any student in or out of summer school)
Weekly meal bags are available for pick-up at multiple sites throughout the community. Curbside meal pick-ups will take place at the following locations. You may pick up food for all of your children (including anyone under age 18) at one site. All pick-ups will occur on Mondays. Seven days' worth of meals will be provided (7 breakfasts and 7 lunches with 1/2 gallons of milk). Each bag includes a variety of cold options and will also include meal options that can be heated up at home. Please note the different pick-up times based on site.
- Evanston Township High School (Door 27 off Wildkit Dr) 9 am-5 pm
- Meals will be distributed from the back of the school loading dock. 911ÖÆÆ·³§ staff will be masked and all individuals picking up (in car or in person), must be wearing a mask. Any member of the household can pick up.
- Chute (1400 Oakton St., main parking lot) 10am-1pm OR 3 pm - 6pm
- Walker Elementary 10am-1pm (3601 Church St. Skokie)
911ÖÆÆ·³§ Daily Meal Distribution (for onsite students registered for summer school)
FREE lunch will be available for grab and go at Doors 1, 2, and 3. Each bag includes a variety of cold meal options. Students may pick up meals at designated times as they leave the building. The Childcare Courtyard will be available for outdoor seating for students that are on site all day.
10:30 am - 11:45 am
1:15 pm - 2:00 pm
Community Daily Meal Distribution (for any child under the age of 18)Beginning Monday, June 14, free cold breakfasts and lunches will be served to youth ages 1 to 18 years old on a first-come, first-served basis at locations throughout the city. Breakfast and lunch will be available daily, Monday through Friday, through August 20. There are no residency or income-based restrictions to participate in this program.
Breakfast: 7 am - 9 am
Lunch: 11:30 am - 1:30 am
June 14-July 23
- Dewey School (1551 Wesley Ave)
- King Arts School ()
- Oakton School (.)
- Butler Park, ()
June 14-August 20
- Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center ()
- Mason Park (1600)
- Robert Crown Community Center ()
- Kamen Park (1111 South Blvd)
District 202 Nutrition Services Office847-424-7225District 65 Nutrition Services Department847-859-8130